We offer technical consultations to meet your needs. Be it a simple question answered via email or phone call, or a more involved situation that requires research and a video call or even an onsite visit to do the work or provide training, come to us with your needs and we will assist you in finding an effective solution.
Email inquiries and initial discussions are at no charge.

Equipment Restoration and Repair
Do you have a piece of equipment that needs to be repaired or restored? Please contact us to discuss the specifics. Additionally, we periodically have some good used equipment available and in the case of antique equipment, we not only will work on it, but we enjoy documenting these old tools from an historical standpoint as well.

Shop/System Setup
Need help building your neon studio that goes beyond any of the usual consultation options? We can do that. We build benches and set up equipment to suit your available space. We even offer custom building of small and portable type systems for those with limited space. Please contact us to discuss the specifics of what you need.